Another Full Day in Venice

Today was another full day in Venice. We started the day with breakfast at the hotel. Sitting in the elegant foyer with espresso, fruit and a pastry is a most amazing way to start the day.

Our tour today is a combination walking and boat tour with a stop at some gardens. Our meeting place was near the Rialto Bridge and since we arrived early and it was Sunday morning there were not many people around so we went up on the bridge for a few photos.

We met our delightful guide Chaira (Italian for Claire) and were thrilled to find that our tour had only 3 people so it was like a private tour. The first part of the tour was a one hour private water taxi from the Rialto bridge around Venice and through some of the smaller canals. It was high tide when we boarded so we needed to duck our heads going under one of the bridges. We were fortunate to not experience what Venetians call high tide where the streets flood for a few hours.

We traveled past St Mark’s Church, The Doges Palace, museums, churches, and privately owned palaces (homes). Chaira pointed out a lot of details of some of the buildings and a lot of history behind them and the city. Our taxi took us past the hospital with is connected to a church. Boat ambulances were parked outside and the emergency entrance is a portico boat landing. Chaira pointed out the cemetery which is on an island not far from he hospital.

As we traveled up to the north end of Venice we passed a boat regatta with a police escort.

Our water taxi ride ended near where we started. We walked up though a number of streets and stopped at a green door where Chaira said she hoped we could enter. The door opened and we were inside a convent which at one time was a palace owned by one of the prominent Venice families.. A nun greeted us warmly and welcomed us into her home. A small sterile hallway let us to a glass doorway that opened into a most spectacular garden.

We walked through a number of neighborhoods up through the Carnnaragio district where our hotel is located.

Our next and last stop on our tour was the Jewish Ghetto which is contained on a small island. There are many shops and restaurants in and just outside the ghetto along the canal. It is a popular night spot for young people. There has been a Jewish community in Venice since medieval times. They were required to all live in the ghetto island which holds 5 synagogs all contained in an area not accessible to the general public. After Napoleon conquered Venice Jews were welcomed to live in other parts of the city. During World War II most of the Jews were deported to concentration camps and only 8 returned. There are small bronze plaques in front of homes where deported Jews lived. Chaira said she likes these reminders of the past. It allows people to stop and think.

ur tour ended shortly after leaving the Jewish Ghetto and we stopped for an enjoyable lunch outside along one of the canals. As we sat eating a number of decorated boats passed us, all rowed by women in pink having a great time.They were part of a breast cancer fundraiser.

We spent the afternoon in the beautiful garden of our hotel reading, catching up with home and updating this blog.

In the evening we had tickets to see and hear The Barber of Seville performed in a palace on the Grand Canal. About 60 guests travel between 3 rooms with the small group of performers and musicians. The performance was spectacular and it was a treat to have such talented performers stand right next to you as they performed. In one room we were sitting right next to the pianist. Watching her hands move was mesmerizing. Hearing the incredible operatic voices in a period setting with just 60 attendees was an amazing experience.

We arrived back in our room at almost midnight and thankfully can sleep in. Tomorrow is our last day in Venice and we head to Murano and Burano.


Murano and Burano


Venice - 1st Full Day