Isabela Island Part 1

AM Tender Excursion - Wildlife Everywhere

Overnight we traveled around the top of Isabela Island (the one that looks like a seahorse). We took an early excursion out to a mangrove forest that is nesting grounds for pelicans and sea turtles. Along the way we passed the nesting ground for the Galápagos penguins, the only penguin north of the equator. We got up close to a group of blue footed boobies and flightless cormorants on a large lava rock formation. Traveling into the shallow waters of the mangrove forrest we got to see penguins, Sally Lightfoot crabs, baby pelicans, sea turtles, sharks and a sea lion resting on a mangrove branch.

Galapagos Penguin

Galapagos Penguin


Isabela Island Part 2


From Baltra to Santiago and Rabida Islands