Espanola Island

Since we arrived late on Sunday we needed to participate in some mandatory presentations about the Galapagos on Monday morning. since there are many regulations in place to preserve the pristine nature of the archipelago. This resulted in our missing the visit to Garden Bay in Espanola.

The activities for the week started in the afternoon. We had the choice of a long difficult walk along rocky terrain, a short difficult walk over rocky terriane, or just stay on the ship. We chose box 1, the difficult walk, While I never thought we would make it as we progressed a walk over 2 and a half miles of boulders, we made it, and all in one pice. During the walk we were graced with some amazing wildlife and scenery.

This is just a small sample of the wildlife we observed along that crazy boulder path in Punta Suarez on Espanola Island.

With each step I looked ahead, I said to myself, “I’m not sure I can make it, and then what do I do”? So I just focused on about 5 feet ahead and told myself, “I can make it that far”. I was never so happy to see the beach where we started. While it was one of the most challenging walks I’ve ever done (and thank you to my new friend Linda who offered to carry my backpack), I don’t regret our choice,

Upon returning to the ship we had just enough time to shower and change for the pre-dinner preview for Thursday. You need to select the activities for the following day before dinner.

After enjoying dinner with our group we headed back to our cabin and turned in early.


Floreana Island


Baltra and Boarding the Flora